Figure 1.
Experimental setup, survival, and blood hemoglobin analysis of wild-type (WT) and steroid and xenobiotic receptor knockout (SXRKO) mice exposed to polychlorinated biphenyl 153 (PCB-153) or vehicle. (A) Exposure schematic for perinatal and chronic exposure to PCB-153; number of mice per group are reported as ( of mice for perinatal study; number of mice for chronic study). (B) Survival of WT or SXRKO mice exposed to PCB-153 or vehicle [dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)] in chronic exposure study; both cohorts of SXRKO mice exposed to PCB-153 are shown independently (cohort 1, ; cohort 2, ); all other groups are shown as the sum of both cohorts (WT DMSO, ; WT PCB, ; SXRKO DMSO, ) and merged together in one bold red line. (C) Hemoglobin measurements of SXRKO mice exposed to DMSO () or PCB-153 () throughout lifespan in chronic exposure study, plotted as . **; *** determined by Student’s t-test.