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. 2020 Apr 13;1(2):80–84. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12063


Key considerations for airway management outside of a negative pressure room

Airway management step Recommendationa

Avoid high‐flow pre‐oxygenation. Use NIPPV with a tight‐fitted mask for escalating preoxygenation. Avoid nasal cannula for apneic oxygenation.


Avoid “closely intubating” with direct laryngoscopy. Use VL for indirect tracheal tube placement. Use RSI with the highest recommended dose of an NMBA.

Rescue techniques

SGA placement attached to closed ventilator circuit for rescue oxygenation in lieu of manual bagging. Use HEPA filters whenever PPV is performed.

Personal protective equipment

PAPR use preferred over N95, if available consider plastic face tent or hood.

HEPA, high‐efficiency particulate air; NMBA, neuromuscular blocking agent; NIPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; PAPR, powered air purifying respirator; PPV, positive pressure ventilation; RSI, rapid sequence intubation; SGA, supraglottic airway; VL, video laryngoscopy.


Recommendations should be weighed against resource availability and clinical necessity.