Fig. 4.
Additional fluorine atoms remove KCNQ2/3 activity of 2FPG but retain KCNA1 activity. All error bars indicate S.E.M. (A) Chemical properties of 2FPG vs. 2TFMPG: structure, electrostatic surface potentials (red, electron-dense; blue, electron-poor; green, neutral), and an overlay of the two, all calculated and plotted using Jmol. Arrows, carbonyl groups. Fluorine atoms are circled. (B) Mean traces showing effects of 2TFMPG (100 µM) on KCNA1, KCNA2, and KCNQ2/3; n = 5 to 6. (C) Effects of 2TFMPG (100 µM) on raw tail current vs. prepulse voltage relationships, calculated from traces as in (B); n = 5 to 6. (D) Effects of 2TFMPG (100 µM) on normalized (G/Gmax) tail current vs. prepulse voltage relationships, calculated from traces as in (B); n = 5 to 6. (E) Effects of 2TFMPG (100 µM) on resting membrane potential (EM) of unclamped X. laevis oocytes expressing KCNA1, KCNA2, or KCNQ2/3; n = 5 to 6.