Fig. 7.
Potency and efficacy of isoform-selective and -nonselective KCNA1 openers derived from glycine. All error bars indicate S.E.M. (A) Effects of glycine derivatives indicated (100 µM) on KCNA1 (left) and KCNA2 (right) activity quantified as tail current fold-change vs. prepulse voltage; n = 4–6. (B) Concentration/response relationships for glycine derivatives indicated on KCNA1 activity quantified as tail current fold-change at −60 mV prepulse voltage vs. concentration; n = 4–6. (C) Concentration/response relationships for glycine derivatives as in (B) on KCNA1 activity quantified as shift in midpoint voltage dependence of activation (ΔV0.5activation) vs. concentration; n = 4–6.