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. 2020 May 15;10:8110. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65048-3

Table 1.

Descriptive Statistics of Treatment Adherence for Total Group and Subgroups of Participants based on Individual Characteristics and Results of Exploratory Analyses.

Total group Descriptive Statistics Treatment Adherence
M (SD) N (% of Total) M (SD) H (df) p
25 85.5% (17.5)
Age   6.2    (1.3) 0.04 (1) .835
   Preschool 8  (32.0%) 91.1% (10.5)
   School-aged 17 (68.0%) 86.2% (15.4)
Gender 0.39 (1) .532
   Male 20 (80.0%) 89.2% (12.6)
   Female 5   (20.0%) 81.1% (19.4)
Total IQ 101.8 (14.2) 0.59 (2) .743
   Below average 3   (12.0%) 86.8% (11.9)
   Average 14 (56.0%) 88.8% (13.9)
   Above average 6   (24.0%) 84.5% (17.7)
   Missing 2     (8.0%)
ADOS severity     6.0   (1.5) 3.68 (2) .159
   Low 3   (12.0%) 83.3% (28.9)
   Moderate 17 (68.0%) 85.5% (12.5)
   Severe 5   (20.0%) 95.6%   (6.5)
Psychiatric comorbidity 1.80 (2) .407
   AD(H)D 3  (12.0%) 92.9%   (7.1)
   Other 2    (8.0%) 96.2%   (5.4)
   None 20 (80.0%) 85.6%  (15.4)

Note. AD(H)D = attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, ADOS = autism diagnostic observation schedule, df = degrees of freedom, H = test statistic resulting from Kruskal-Wallis test, IQ = intelligence quotient, M = mean, N = number of participants, p = p-value, SD = standard deviation.