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. 2020 Mar 26;9(1):43–54. doi: 10.1007/s40120-020-00184-6

Table 2.

Demyelinating polyneuropathy differential diagnosis

Disease Comment Electrophysiology CSF protein
 AIDP Progressive over < 4 weeks F waves prolonged early; demyelinating features peak 2–3 weeks Normal or ↑
 MAG Distally accentuated, with slow progression most common Distally accentuated slowing
 MMN Multifocal; spared sensation CB in many Normal or ↑
 POEMS (see Comment column) Polyneuropathy; Organomegaly; Endocrinopathy; M-protein; Skin changes ↑ axonal injury and more uniform CV slowing than usually seen in CIDP
 Drug-induced Tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists (infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept); interferon-alpha therapy, tacrolimus, bortezomib, pembrolizumab May be indistinguishable from CIDP Normal or ↑
 Diabetic Usually length-dependent with small fiber involvement; plexopathy may be abrupt onset Usually axonal; may have mild/moderate demyelination without TD or CB Normal or ↑
 Uremic Glomerular filtration rate typically < 12 mL/min Usually axonal; may have mild/moderate demyelination Normal or ↑
 Amiodarone Subacute/chronic; symmetric sensorimotor; may affect proximal muscles; ↑ risk if exposure > 1 year Axon loss + mild to moderate CV slowing and prolonged DL Normal
 Ethylene glycol CNS; CN changes; renal and cardiac toxicity Axon loss predominates
 Diptheria Usually evolves over 2–3 weeks; ± CSF pleocytosis,;bulbar and respiratory weakness common May be indistinguishable from CIDP
 n-Hexane May mimic distal CIDP, with distal > proximal sensory and motor symptoms evolving over months Usually axonal; may have mild/moderate demyelination or CB Normal
 Amyloid, acquired or hTTR Prominent pain and autonomic dysfunction; cardiac or gastrointestinal manifestations Typically axonal; mild to moderate CV slowing may be seen Normal or ↑
 Sarcoid Pulmonary, skin, ocular, muscle, endocrine, CN, or CNS involvement Typically multifocal axonal or LDPN; rarely demyelinating with CB Normal or ↑
 Neurolymphomatosis Often multiple mononeuropathy pattern; pain common; CNs may be affected; may improve with immunotherapy Usually axonal, but may have multifocal demyelinating features similar to CIDP Normal or ↑
 Paraneoplastic Asymmetric sensory or sensorimotor often preferentially affecting DRG; concomitant CNS disorder may occur Sensory responses often diffusely attenuated or absent; motor responses usually normal or show axonal changes, but demyelination mimicking CIDP has been reported
 HNPP Symptoms triggered by mild trauma or compression CB accentuated at compressible sites Normal or ↑
 CMT 1 Slow progression, often with onset at early age Uniform CV slowing; typically without CB or TD (exceptions may occur) Normal or ↑
 Farber’s X-linked; onset childhood or adolescence; pain; angiokeratomas; premature atherosclerosis Slow CV and ↑ DL; may be normal early in disease Normal or ↑
 Refsum AR; onset usually in infancy or early adult; course may be progressive or relapsing; retinitis pigmentosa, cerebellar ataxia, hearing loss, cardiac conduction disease Demyelinating with severe CV slowing
 MLD AR; arylsulfatase A mutation; onset most common in late infancy, followed by adolescence and then as adult; multiple CNS deficits CV slowing without CB
 Krabbe AR; galactosylceramide β-galactosidase mutation; onset in infancy, adolescence, adulthood; multiple CNS deficits Slow CV, occasional with CB
 MNGIE Onset childhood or adolescence; myopathy; external ophthalmoplegia; neuropathy; gastrointestinal; encephalopathy (may be subclinical) Demyelinating with CV slowing; CB and TD in some patients

AIDP Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, AR autosomal recessive, CB conduction block, CN cranial nerve, CNS central nervous system, CV conduction velocity, DRG dorsal root ganglion, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, DRG dorsal root ganglia, DL distal latency, HNPP hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies, hTTR hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis, LDPN length-dependent polyneuropathy, MAG Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein, MLD metachromatic leukodystrophy, MMN multifocal motor neuropathy TD temporal dispersion, increased