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. 2020 May 15;10:8030. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-64716-8

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Comparison of relative abundance profiles of different predators (terrestrial carnivores and raptors) with wolf. Abbreviations: man mandible, cra cranium, inc incisors, u mol upper molars, l mol lower molars, hum humerus, rad radius, uln ulna, fem femur, tib tibia, pat patella, sc scapula, inn innominate, mtc metacarpals, mts metatarsals, phal 1/2 phalanges 1/2, phal 3 phalanx 3, cal calcaneum, ast astragalus, c/t carpal/tarsal, ver vertebrae, rib ribs.