Data Source, Definition, and Index Coding Procedures for the STEPs for Physical Activity Promotion Variables
Index Score Coding Procedure |
Variable | Data source | Definition | Green (Full Implementation) |
Yellow (Partial Implementation) |
Red (No Implementation) |
STEPs physical activity foundational index score Schedule level of detail | Document review of schedule | Detailed schedules define activity type (snack, homework, physical activity), location, staff roles, and materials; limited-detail schedules define at least one of the items above, and none indicates the site has no schedule | Detailed schedule | Limited detail | None |
Scheduled activity time | Document review of schedule | Total number of minutes dedicated to physical activity opportunities on the after-school programs’ schedule | More than 60 minutes | 60 minutes | Less than 60 minutes |
Physical activity is the only option | Document review of schedule | Total number of minutes dedicated exclusively to physical activity (i.e., children must choose a physical activity) | More than 60 minutes | 60 minutes | Less than 60 minutes |
Number of days all staff wore physically active clothing | Direct observation | Active clothing defined as clothes that would not restrict staff from participating in activity with children (e.g., tennis shoes) | Every day | Some days | No days |
Days a schedule was posted | Direct observation | Schedule posted in plain sight of parents at the program | Every day | Some days | No days |
STEPs physical activity quality index score Staff giving instructions | SOSPANa | Staff are giving instructions (i.e., other than PA instructions) to children | Observed rarelyb | Observed sometimesb | Observed mostb |
Staff disciplining children | SOSPANa | Children are being disciplined by staff | Observed rarelyb | Observed sometimesb | Observed mostb |
Idle time | SOSPANa | Children are not engaged in any specific activity and are awaiting instructions from staff | Observed rarelyb | Observed sometimesb | Observed mostb |
Staff withholding PA | SOSPANa | Staff member removes a child from physical activity (i.e., present or future) or threatens to remove a child from physical activity (i.e., present or future) as a consequence for behavior | Observed rarelyb | Observed sometimesb | Observed mostb |
Children wait for their turn | SOSPANa | Children waiting their turn to play/participate | Observed rarelyb | Observed sometimesb | Observed mostb |
Elimination games | SOSPANa | Physical activity eliminates children from physical activity opportunities as it progresses | Observed rarelyb | Observed sometimesb | Observed most b |
Small team games | SOSPANa | Children are divided into several small games (no more than 5 per team) instead of one large game | Observed mostb | Observed sometimesb | Observed rarelyb |
Staff playing with children | SOSPANa | Staff member is participating in physical activity with the children | Observed mostb | Observed sometimesb | Observed rarelyb |
Staff verbally encouraging children | SOSPANa | Staff member verbally promotes physical activity (e.g., keep going, awesome job, good effort) | Observed mostb | Observed sometimesb | Observed rarelyb |
Choice provided | SOSPANa | Children have a choice of PAs in which to participate (i.e., NOT do this or sit) | Observed mostb | Observed sometimesb | Observed rarelyb |
Girls-only physical activity option | SOSPANa | There is a physical activity opportunity in which only girls participate | Observed mostb | Observed sometimesb | Observed rarelyb |
STEPs healthy eating foundational index score Schedule of daily snack offerings (snack menu) | Direct Observation | The site has a snack menu for the week that the observation took place | Everyday | Some days | No days |
Days a snack menu was posted | Direct Observation | Snack menu posted in plain sight of parents at the program | Every day | Some days | No days |
Following schedule of daily snack offerings | Direct Observation | The site served what was on the menu the day of the observation | Everyday | Some days | No days |
Snack cost | Document review of program receipts | The program leader is aware of the snack budget | Clear snack budget | N/A | Unclear/no snack budget |
Location of snack purchases | Document review of program receipts | The program purchases snacks from one or several vendors on a regular basis | One or several vendors | N/A | No consistent vendor |
STEPs healthy eating quality index score | |||||
Staff eat snacks with children | SOSPANa | Staff eat provided snack with the children during snack time | Everyday | Some days | No days |
Staff verbally promote healthy eating | SOSPANa | Staff verbally encourage children to eat the healthy snack | Everyday | Some days | No days |
Staff refrain from eating inappropriate foods in front of children | SOSPANa | Staff do not eat other foods in front of children during program time | Everyday | Some days | No days |
Staff refrain from drinking inappropriate drinks in front of children | SOSPANa | Staff drink only water in front of children during program time | Everyday | Some days | No days |
Staff deliver healthy eating education | SOSPANa | Staff deliver healthy eating education (e.g., healthy eating coloring sheets/crosswords/word searches, trivia, etc.) to children | More than one observation day | One observation day | No days |
NOTE: STEPs = Strategies to Enhance Practice; PA = physical activity.
System for Observing Staff Promotion of Physical Activity and Nutrition.
Observed rarely defined as program is in the lower tertile—lower 33% in relation to other programs at baseline; observed sometimes defined as program in the middle tertile—middle 33% in relation to other programs at baseline; and observed most is defined as program in upper tertile—upper 33% in relation to other programs at baseline.