Fig. 5.
Identification of the autoinhibitory peptide XIP. (A) Time course of the Ca2+ transport assay of YfkEWT measured using ISO vesicles pretreated with 1 mM EGTA in the presence of 5 μM synthetic peptide of the XIP or its acidic motif. (B) YfkE activity as a function of [XIP] using vesicles treated with 1 mM EGTA. Data fitting into single exponential decay using the software Graphpad Prism 7. (C) Theme of the XIP modification by phenylglyoxal. (D) Ca2+ transport activity of YfkEWT measured with vesicles (20 min) treated with (+) or without (−) EGTA in the presence of 5 μM XIP or modified peptide XIP-dicarbonyl phenylgyoxal (PGO). (E) Fluorescence (λex/λem: 555/677 nm) changes (%) of labeled YfkEA190C protein as a function of [XIP]. The XIP peptide was added before (circles) or after adding 100 μM Ca2+ (squares). Error bars represent SDs from three independent experiments.