Cell types and gene expression in the outflow pathways of the pig. (A) A t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) plot showing 18 cell types derived from TM and associated structures of pig. (B) Transcriptional correspondence between human and pig cell types shown as in Fig. 6B. Fibro, fibroblast; K-Epi, corneal epithelium; Melano, melanocyte; MØ, macrophage; SchMy, myelinating Schwann cell; SchNmy, nonmyelinating Schwann cell; Schwal, Schwalbe line; VEndo, vascular endothelium. (C) Violin plot showing examples of genes selectively expressed by each cell type in pig. KEndo, corneal endothelium; K Epi, corneal epithelium; ScEndo, Schlemm canal endothelium; Sch-my, myelinating Schwann cell; Sch-nmy, nonmyelinating Schwann cell.