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. 2020 Apr 8;11(4):402. doi: 10.3390/genes11040402

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Schematic representation of examples of pre-mRNAs regulated by RBM20 and PTBP1. Colored exons represent constitutively spliced exons, while white exons represent alternative exons. (a) TTN (titin), CACNA1C (Calcium Voltage-Gated Channel Subunit Alpha1 C) and CAMK2D (Calcium/Calmodulin Dependent Protein Kinase II Delta) are examples of pre-mRNAs regulated by RBM20. (b) TPM1 (α-tropomyosin), TNNT2 (Troponin T2, Cardiac Type) and ACTN1 (α-actinin) are examples of pre-mRNAs regulated by PTBP1. (c) TTN (titin) and FHOD3 (Formin Homology 2 Domain Containing 3) are examples of pre-mRNAs regulated by both PTBP1 and RBM20.