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. 2020 Apr 22;9(4):1205. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041205

Table 3.

Group 2: baseline patient characteristics, etiology, and source of infection at the end of the clinical work-up.

n = 423 (%)
Non Survivor
n = 122 (%)
p OR
Male 242 (42) 56 (53) 0.027 0.635 (0.423–0.951)
Median age 80 (73–86) 85 (79–90) <0.001 1.043 (1.021–1.065)
Median Charlson index 3 (1–4) 3 (2–5) 0.142 1.072 (0.984–1.169)
Median SOFA (IQR) 3 (2–4) 4 (3–6) <0.001 1.27 (1.16–1.38)
Median qSOFA 1 (1–1) 2 (1–2) <0.001 2.776 (1.838–4.193)
Clinical variable
Body Temperature
>38°C 204 (52) 39 (31) 0.001
<36°C 9 (2) 16 (13) <0.001 6.943 (2.985–16.149)
White blood cell count
>12,000/mm3 241 (60) 82 (65) 0.043 1.800 (1234–2626)
<4000/mm3 18 (4) 4 (4) 0.629
Heart rate>90 bpm 311 (73) 109 (80) 0.095 2.167 (1.312–3.580)
RR>20/min or pCO2<32 mmHg 328 (x) 108 (x) 0.008 2.234 (1.224–4.078)
Median biomarker (IQR)
C-reactive protein (mg/dl) 129 (73-209) 130 (74-209) 0.039 1.369 (1.123–1.644)
Lactate (mg/dl) 14.4 (9.9-20) 18.3 (12.2-27.2) 0.007 1.863 (1.296–2.680)
Procalcitonin (ng/mL) 1.14 (0.36–5.09) 0.74 (0.26–5.47) 0.061 1.087 (0.934–1.266)
MR-proADM (nmol/L) 1.9 (1.3–3.2) 3.02 (1.96–5.04) <0.001 3.411 (2.275–5.113)
sIL2Rα (pg/ml) 15130 (9741–25220) 19446 (12596–31520) 0.014 1.630 (1.246–2.133)
Presepsin (pg/mL) 546 (341–1047) 781 (446–1423) 0.023 1.545 (1.239–1.926)
sTREM-1 (pg/mL) 418 (280–711) 619 (405–989) <0.001 2.359 (1.727–3.223)
sPLA2GIIA (ng/mL) 32.3 (27.4–36.3) 32.2 (28.8–36.5) 0.692 1.187 (0.768–1.834)
sTNFR-1 (pg/ml) 423.5 (320.4–634.0) 560.61 (388.2–712.6) <0.001 3.164 (1.946–5.143)
Source of infection
Single source 399 (94) 98 (80) 0.001
LRTI 240 (56) 71 (58) 0.024
Non LRTI 159 (38) 27 (22) 0.092
Multiple source 24 (6) 24 (20) <0.001
Etiology of infection
Clinically documented 261 (61) 80 (66) 0.345
Microbiologically documented 174 (41) 51 (41) 0.932
Monomicrobial 144 (34) 39 (31) 0.669
Bacterial 133 (31) 41 (34) 0.814
Gram positive 44 (10) 19 (15) 0.002
Gram negative 77 (18) 11 (15) 0.037
Non bacterial 10 (2) 1 (0) 0.307
Polymicrobial 30 (7) 12 (1) 0.317
BSI 70 (16) 29 (24) 0.365
Non BSI 106 (25) 25 (20) 0.298

Abbreviations: OR= odds ratio, IQR= interquartile range, SOFA= sequential organ failure assessment, qSOFA=quick sepsis-related organ failure assessment, RR=respiratory rate, LRTI=lower respiratory tract infections, BSI=blood stream infections, MR-proADM=mid-regional proadrenomedullin, sIL2Rα=soluble IL-2 receptor α, sTREM-1=soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cell-1, sPLA2GIIA= soluble phospholipase A2 group IIA, and sTNFR-1-= soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (sTNFR-1). Data are n° (%) unless otherwise specified.