Figure A3.
Dot plot profiling LRRC19 expression across 33 cancer types of TCGA and paired normal samples, with each dot representing a distinct tumor or normal sample. "TCGA normal + GTEx normal" were selected for matched normal data in plotting. The custom fold-change threshold was set as and -value < 0.01, and the expression data were pre-transformed. Each dot represents a distinct tumor (pink) or normal sample (green). The abscissa represents the sample from tumor tissue (T) or normal tissue (N), and “n” equals the sample size. The ordinate represents the amount of transcript expression in the sample. Above the table were the TCGA abbreviations of the cancer name. The cancer name coding in green indicated that the target gene was relatively lower expressed in the tumor tissue, and the red indicates higher expression. We selected LIMMA as the differential method. || > 1 and FDR < 0.01 were considered as differentially expressed.