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. 2020 Mar 27;9(4):387. doi: 10.3390/foods9040387

Table 2.

Sample statistics on socio-demographic information and consumers’ habits.

Criterion Scale of Measurement Frequency (%) or Mean ± SD
Age Continuous 32.5 ± 10.2
Gender 0 = Male 38.4%
1 = Female 61.6%
Education 1 = Compulsory school 14.8%
2 = High school 54.8%
3 = University degree or postgraduate 30.4%
Income 1 = Up to 1000 € 20.3%
2 = From 1100 to 2000 € 45.8%
3 = From 2100 to 3000 € 18.7%
4 = More than 3000 € 15.2%
Sport 1 = Never 18.1%
2 = Occasionally 45.5%
3 = Regularly (at least twice per week) 30.9%
4 = Competitive level 5.5%
Travel 1 = Never 32.2%
2 = Occasionally (less than once per year) 42.6%
3 = Regularly (at least once per year) 25.2%
Knowledge 1 = I have never heard about insect-based food for human consumption 12.2%
2 = I have heard about insect-based food, but I do not know what it means 49.4%
3 = I have heard about insect-based food and I know what it means 38.4%
Raw seafood consumption 1 = Never 32.9%
2 = Occasionally 57.7%
3 = Regularly (at least once per week) 9.4%
Care of nutritional aspects in
food choice
1 = Irrelevant 5.8%
2 = Relevant but not determining 51.3%
3 = Absolutely fundamental 42.9%
Care of environmental aspects in food choice 1 = Irrelevant 10.7%
2 = Relevant but not determining 59.0%
3 = Absolutely fundamental 30.3%