Table 2.
Categories | Indicators |
Sufficiency The items within the same dimension suffice to measure this dimension |
The items are sufficient to measure the dimension |
The items measure some aspects of the dimension, but do not represent the full dimension | |
A few items must be added in order to fully assess the dimension | |
The items are insufficient | |
Clarity The item can be understood easily, i.e., syntax and semantics are appropriate |
The item is unclear |
The wording of the item requires several modifications or a very large modification in terms of meaning or word order | |
Some of the terms in the item require very precise modificationsThe item is clear, with appropriate semantics and syntax | |
Coherence The item is logically related to the dimension or indicator it is measuring |
The item bears no logical relationship to the dimension |
The item has a tangential relationship to the dimension | |
The item has a moderate relationship to the dimension it is measuring | |
The item is completely related to the dimension it is measuring | |
Relevance The item is essential or important, i.e., it must be included |
The removal of the item would not affect the measurement of the dimension |
The item is somewhat relevant, but another item may be covering what this item is measuring | |
The item is rather important | |
The item is very relevant and should be included |
Source: adapted from Escobar-Pérez and Cuervo-Martínez [9] (p. 37).