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. 2020 Apr 16;9(4):1142. doi: 10.3390/jcm9041142

Table 2.

Placental lactogen in the regulation of fetal growth.

Study Title [Reference] Clinical Characteristics Analyzed Parameters Main Findings First Author (Year of Study)
Somatomedin in newborns and the relationship to human chorionic somatotropin and fetal growth. [26] 22 pregnant patients PL levels in the maternal serum during the III trimester of pregnancy and cord blood at term No correlation between PL levels, and birth weight and length Kastrup et al. (1978)
Relationships of infant birth size to maternal lipoproteins, apoproteins, fuels, hormones, clinical chemistries, and body weight at 36 weeks gestation. [86] 273 patients in singelton pregnancies PL concentrations in maternal blood measured at 36 weeks of gestation Positive correlation between maternal blood PL concentrations, birth weight, and birth length Knopp et al. (1985)
Relationship of maternal and fetal levels of human placental lactogen to the weight and sex of the fetus. [87] 101 pregnant patients PL levels in the maternal serum at 38–42 weeks of gestation, cord artery, and cord vein collected at term Positive correlation between maternal serum PL and birth weight, with no correlation in the case of umbilical cord blood Houghton et al. (1984)
Differential expression profile of Growth Hormone/Chorionic Somatomammotropin genes in placenta of small- and large-for-gestational-age newborns. [88] 72 patients in uncomplicated singelton pregnancies CSH1 and CSH2 gene mRNA in term placental tissue CSH1 and CSH2 gene transcript levels were significantly higher in LGA newborns compared with SGA and AGA neonates Männik et al. (2010)
Macrosomia in Pregnancy Complicated by Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. [89] 83 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes PL maternal serum concentrations during the III trimester of pregnancy Mothers of macrosomic infants have significantly higher concentrations of serum PL Small et al. (1987)
Maternal serum concentrations of human placental lactogen, estradiol and pregnancy specific β1-glycoprotein and fetal growth retardation. [90] 200 multiparous women with fetal growth retardation risk factors PL maternal serum levels measured at a mean of 18 weeks’ gestational age Higher maternal levels of PL are associated with a decreased prevalence of fetal growth retardation Gardner (1997)
Prediction of fetal growth based on maternal serum concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin, human placental lactogen and estriol. [91] 214 patients, mothers of 102 SGA infants and 112 non-SGA neonates PL levels in maternal serum were measured serially at 17, 25, 33, and 37 weeks of gestation Significant differences in PL measured at 17, 33, and 37 weeks of pregnancy in mothers of SGA and non-SGA infants Markestad et al. (1997)
Human placental lactogen and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A in first trimester and subsequent fetal growth. [92] 93 patients with uncomplicated singelton pregnancies Maternal PL serum concentrations measured between the 8th and 14th week of pregnancy PL is negatively correlated with gestational age at delivery Pedersen et al. (1995)

Abbreviations: AGA—appropriate for gestational age, CSH1—chorionic somatomammotropin 1, CSH2—chorionic somatomammotropin 2, GDM—gestational diabetes mellitus, LGA—large for gestational age, PL—placental lactogen, and SGA—small for gestational age.