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. 2020 Mar 27;12(4):934. doi: 10.3390/nu12040934

Table 2.

Effect of maternal obesity on human milk macronutrient composition: key findings 1,2.

Gestational Age HM Method of Collection Milk Type Collection Time Analytical Method Outcomes/Effect
Comparison of Macronutrients between OW/OB and NW Women
Aleali, 2018 [23] Preterm NS Transitional and mature 14:00–16:00 MIRIS analyzer, Sweden No difference in HM fat, protein or lactose between groups
Brown, 1986 [27] NS Full expression Mature 24 h Gravimetric method, Kjeldahl method and colorimetry HM fat was higher in women with higher AC and TCSF. No difference in HM protein or lactose between groups
DeLuca, 2016 [29] Term Full expression Mature 9:00–11:00 MIRIS analyzer, Sweden No difference in HM fat, protein or lactose between groups
Dritsakou, 2017 * [30] Preterm and term Full expression Colostrum, transitional and mature 24 h MIRIS analyzer, Sweden HM fat (colostrum, transitional and mature) was higher in OW/OB women. No difference in HM protein and lactose between groups
Fujimori, 2015 [32] Term NS Colostrum NS Creamatocrit, Biuret colorimetric HM fat was higher in OB women. No difference in HM protein between groups
Jans, 2015* [34] Term Mid-feed Colostrum NS MIRIS analyzer, Sweden HM fat was higher in OB women. No difference in HM protein or lactose
Jans, 2018* [35] Term Mid-feed Colostrum, transitional and mature NS MIRIS analyzer, Sweden No difference in HM fat, protein or lactose between groups
Kwon, 2017* [38] NS NS Mature NS Lipid extraction, Kjeldahl method No difference in HM fat or protein between groups
Lemas, 2016* [39] Term Mid-feed Transitional Morning Creamatocrit, Bradford protein assay, colorimetric assay No difference in HM fat, protein or lactose between groups
Makela, 2013* [41] NS Pre-feed Mature Morning Lipid extraction No difference in HM fat content between groups
Mangel, 2017* [42] Term Pre-feed Colostrum 8am–3pm MIRIS analyzer, Sweden No difference in HM fat, protein or lactose between groups
Panagos, 2016* [9] Term Full expression Mature Morning Julie Z7 Automatic MilkoScope, Germany No difference in HM fat, protein or lactose between groups
Rudolph, 2017 [45] Term Mid-feed Transitional and mature Morning Creamatocrit HM fat was higher in OW women
Villalpando, 2001 [48] NS Full expression Mature 10:00, 12:00 and 18:00 Gravimetric method No difference in HM fat between groups
Young, 2017 * [50] Term Full expression Transitional and mature 10:00-13:00 Creamatocrit, Bradford assay, enzymatic method HM protein (transitional) and lactose (mature) were lower in OW/OB women. No difference in HM fat between groups
Correlation between maternal measures of maternal obesity and HM macronutrient concentrations
Antonakou, 2013 [24] Term Pre-feed Mature Morning Creamatocrit No correlation between HM fat and BMI
Aumeistere, 2017 [25] NS NS Mature 24 h HPLC No correlation between HM lactose and BMI
Bzikowska-Jura, 2018 [28] Term Pre- and post-feed Mature 24 h MIRIS analyzer, Sweden HM fat (1 and 6 mo) and protein (3 mo) positively correlated with BMI, and HM protein (3 mo) with % body fat. No correlation of HM lactose with either BMI or %body fat
Chang, 2015 [8] Term Full expression Colostrum, transitional and mature NS MilkoScan FT2 Foss Analytical, Denmark HM protein at 0-1 wk, 3–4, and 4–5 mo, and HM fat at 1–2 wk, 2–3, and 7–8 mo positively correlated with BMI. HM lactose at 4–5 and 6–7 mo was negatively correlated with BMI
Eilers, 2011 [31] Preterm and term Pre- and post-feed Colostrum and mature 16:00–20:00 Creamatocrit, BCA protein assay No correlation between BMI and HM fat or protein
Gridneva, 2018 [33] Term Pre- and post-feed Mature NS Bradford protein assay No correlation between BMI and HM total protein; whey protein was positively correlated to BMI, fat-free mass, fat-free mass index, and fat mass index
Kierson, 2006 [36] Preterm and term Full expression Transitional and mature NS Creamatocrit HM fat was positively correlated to maternal BMI
Kugananthan, 2017 [16] Term Pre- and post-feed Mature 9:30–11:30 Bradford assay, Enzymatic spectrophotometric method HM protein positively correlated with %body fat, but not BMI. No correlation of either %body fat or BMI with HM lactose.
Kurniati, 2016 [37] Term Mid-feed Mature 6:00–8:00 Creamatocrit No correlation between %body fat and HM fat
Ley, 2012 [40] Term early milk Full expression Colostrum/Transitional and mature NS Creamatocrit, BCA protein assay No correlation between BMI and HM fat or protein
Nommsen, 1991 [43] NS Full expression Mature 24 h Folch extraction, Lowry assay, colorimetric assay HM fat (6, 9, and 12 mo) and protein (9 mo) positively correlated with %IBM. No correlations with HM lactose
Quinn, 2012 [44] NS Mid-feed Colostrum, transitional and mature 6:00–10:30 Rose-Gottlieb extraction, automated analyzer, phenol- sulfuric acid method HM lactose was inversely correlated with BMI. No relationship between %body fat and HM fat, protein, or lactose
Schueler, 2013 [46] NS Pre- and post-feed Mature 7:00-10:00 Creamatocrit HM fat positively correlated with total fat mass, BMI, body weight, and %body fat
Villalpando, 1992 [47] Term Full expression Mature 10:00, 12:00, and 18:00 Jeejeebhoy method, Kjeldahl method, automated enzymatic method HM fat positively correlated with body weight, BMI, and %body fat. No associations between these measures and HM protein or lactose
Yang, 2014 [49] Term Full expression Transitional and mature 9:00–11:00 MIRIS analyzer, Sweden HM protein and fat were positively correlated, and HM lactose negatively correlated, with BMI
Both comparison and correlation
Barbosa, 1997 [26] Term Full expression Mature 10:00, 14:00, and 18:00 Gravimetric method, Kjeldahl method, automatic enzyme method HM fat was positively correlated with BMI and %body fat, and was lower in the lower BMI group (<23 kg/m2) compared to the higher (≥23 kg/m2). HM protein and lactose were not correlated with BMI or %body fat and no different between these BMI groups

1 Analytical methods are reported based on the sequence noted on outcomes, otherwise reporting follows the “fat, protein and lactose” sequence. Maternal obesity values are reported as mean ± SD or mean (range) when SD is not available. Studies included in the meta-analysis are indicated with *. 2 Symbol—was used to represent information not stated or unclear. AC, Arm circumference; BCA, Bicinchoninic acid method; BMI, body mass index; HM, human milk; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; % IBM, pre-pregnancy percent ideal body weight; h, hour; MIRIS, Mid-infrared milk analyzer; mo, month (s); NS, not stated; NW, normal weight; OB, obese; OW, overweight; PT, preterm; T, term; TCSF, triceps skinfold thickness; wk, week (s).