The ternary phase diagram of carbon materials with varying sp2, sp3, and hydrogen contents. Modified from Robertson [92]. The acronyms are amorphous carbon (a-C), tetrahedrally coordinated amorphous carbon (ta-C), amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H), and tetrahedrally coordinated amorphous hydrogenated carbon (ta-C:H). HC stands for hydrocarbon. Structural formulae are given for polyethylene and polyacetylene, sum formulae are given for paraffin and phenanthrene FEBID/FIBID precursors. Trends in mechanical properties are indicated by arrows as well as changes in composition during electron beam curing (EBC). The as-grown CHx-FEBID material space according to measurements from Bret et al. [93] and Ding et al. [45] is indicated (yellow shade) as well as the anticipated space for C:(H,O,F) FEBID (and FIBID) matrix material (green shade). No data are available for FIBID material.