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. 2019 May 14;29(3):282–288. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054831

Table 2.

Logistic regression of preban (2011) association between never-smokers’ susceptibility to smoke and noticing cigarettes openly displayed and brand awareness, controlling for smoking-related and demographic variables

Never-smokers’ susceptibility to smoke
1=susceptible (n=282), 0=not (n=719)
n AOR* 95% CI
95% CI
P value
Any close friends smoke
 No 697 Ref
 Yes 304 2.05 1.48 2.84 <0.001
Any siblings smoke <0.001
 No/No siblings 836 Ref
 Yes 137 2.31 1.54 3.47 <0.001
 Not sure/not stated 28 2.19 0.99 4.86 0.053
Parents smoke 0.283
 Neither smokes 567 Ref
 Either 344 1.14 0.82 1.59 0.436
 Not sure/not stated 90 1.48 0.90 2.44 0.121
 Male 515 Ref
 Female 486 0.93 0.69 1.24 0.617
Age 0.026
 11 209 Ref
 12 vs 11 200 1.38 0.85 2.24 0.187
 13 vs 11–12 199 1.45 0.98 2.15 0.061
 14 vs 11–13 171 1.11 0.75 1.65 0.591
 15 vs 11–14 130 1.19 0.78 1.82 0.421
 16 vs 11–15 92 0.49 0.28 0.85 0.011
Social grade
 Middle class (ABC1) 461 Ref
 Working class (C2DE) 540 0.78 0.58 1.06 0.112
Notice openly displayed
 No or don’t know 195 Ref
 Yes 806 1.97 1.30 2.98 0.001
Brand awareness 1001 1.15 1.03 1.29 0.015
Model χ²= 86.530, df=14, p<0.001.
Hosmer and Lemeshow χ²= 10.761, df=8, p=0.216.
Cases correctly classified: 74%.
24 cases excluded due to missing data on one or more independent variables.

*Adjusted for all other variables in the model.

AOR, adjusted OR; ref, reference category.