5. Behavioral differences in tree shrews and mice between target-absent and target-present trials.
A: Comparison of time spent by tree shrews and mice in social interaction (SI) zone during 30 min social preference-avoidance test and every 5 min. Heatmaps show time spent by each tree shrew and mouse in SI zone in successive 1 min bins. B: Experimental tree shrews showed lower cumulative duration spent in SI zone from 2 min to 15 min when target animals were present. C: Experimental mice showed higher cumulative duration spent in SI zone during second 15 min session (target-present) than during first 15 min session. D: Latency to enter SI zone of tree shrews and mice during 30 min sample period. Heatmaps show latency to enter SI zone of tree shrews and mice over 30 min period (target-absent and target-present sessions) in successive 1 min bins. E: Experimental tree shrews showed significantly longer latency to enter SI zone in second 15 min session (target-present) than in first 15 min session (target-absent). F: Experimental mice showed significantly shorter latency to enter SI zone when target mice were present. Values are means±SEM (tree shrew: n=19; mouse: n=23). Significant differences are indicated by *: P<0.05;**: P<0.01;##: P<0.01;$$: P<0.01 (*: No target vs. target; #: Significantly different among target0-5 min, target5-10 min, and target10-15 min; $: Significantly different among no target0-5 min, no target5-10 min, and no target10-15 min).