Extended Data Fig. 5. PIF7 affects auxin biosynthesis.
a, b IGV browser view of PIF7-MYC binding at the YUC8 (a) and YUC9 (b) promoters.
c, d Relative expression of YUC8 (c) and YUC9 (d) observed in the RNA-seq experiment displayed in Fig. 3. Data are expressed relative to Col-0 27 °C at ZT8.
e, f Hypocotyl length of 7-d-old Col-0 or pif7-1 seedlings treated with 100 or 500 nM picloram (PIC) or mock-treated (n = 24). Box plots display the 25th and 75th percentile with the median as centre value and whiskers representing 1.5 times the IQR. Letters indicate significance groups; samples with the same letters are not significantly different (2-way ANOVA followed by two-sided Tukey test, p < 0.05). The experiment was repeated once with similar results.