Effect of macroeconomic conditions on informal care receipt, by
Note: Figure plots the coefficients and their
95% confidence intervals by age from a regression of any informal
caregiving in the sample of individuals aged 40 and over in the ATUS.
The specification is estimated using a linear probability model and
controls for a quadratic in age, gender education, marital status, race
and ethnicity, family size, share of the state population aged
18–64 and aged 65 and over, state log expenditures on total
Medicaid and Medicaid HCBS services for the older population and
population with physical disabilities, as well as state, year, and
linear time trends by state, and is weighted using individual-level
weights. Standard errors are clustered by state. * p
< 0.10, ** p < 0.05, ***
p < 0.01.