Figure 2.
Radiological changes seen in the three test groups immediately: Day 21, Day 60, and Day 90 after operation (TEB: combining ceramic block with osteogenesis-induced mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma; MIC: fresh marrow-impregnated ceramic block; ALLO: partially demineralized allogeneic bone block) TEB: defect bridged by uniform new bone, cut ends of cortex no longer distinguishable, graft no longer distinguishable. MIC: a slight increase in radiodensity surrounding and distinguishable from the graft (callus formation) with no bridging of cortex. ALLO: a slight increase in radiodensity surrounding and distinguishable from the graft bridging of one cortex with new bone formation (Ng et al., 2014, Open Access) (No color used in print. Two-column fitting image.). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)