Detection (left panel) and quantification (right panel) of steady‐state conversion of endogenous MgtE by YqgP (strain BS72,
Table EV2) grown in minimal M9 medium containing 10 μM MgSO
4 and 1 μM each of MnCl
2, ZnCl
2, CoCl
2, NiCl
2 and CaCl
2 (reference conditions) with the additions of 10 μM or 100 μM of a given divalent cation salt solution (MnCl
2, ZnCl
2, CoCl
2 or NiCl
2), or 50 μM and 500 μM for CaCl
2. Western blots were quantified by near‐infrared fluorescence detection (left), quantified by densitometry and displayed as relative specific activity (graph on the right), which is substrate conversion normalised to enzyme expression level. Black arrow denotes full‐length substrate (MgtE), and red arrow denotes the N‐terminal cleavage product(s) generated by YqgP. All bands originate from the same Western blot and identical treatment series. Irrelevant lanes have been cropped out for clarity, and the source blot is available online as Source Data.