Fig. 1.
Dynamics of the clinical and immunological evolution of human L. (L.) infantum chagasi-infection in Amazonian Brazil.
IFAT: indirect fluorescent antibody test (IgG); IFAT ++++: 5.120–10,240 (IgG); IFAT +++: 1.280–2.560 (IgG); IFAT ++: 320–640 (IgG); IFAT +: 80–160 (IgG); IFAT –: negative reaction (IgG); DTH: delayed-type hypersensitivity; DTH ++++: exacerbate reaction (≥ 16 mm); DTH +++: strong reaction (13–15 mm); DTH ++: moderate reaction (9–12 mm); DTH +: weak reaction (5–8 mm); DTH –: negative reaction (< 5 mm); AI: Asymptomatic infection; SI: Symptomatic infection (=AVL); SOI: Subclinical oligosymptomatic infection; SRI: Subclinical resistant infection; III: Indeterminate initial infection.