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. 2020 Apr 7;12(4):232. doi: 10.3390/toxins12040232

Table 4.

Identities of microcystins detected by LC-HRMS/MS analysis in Microcystis strains AB2017/14 and /15 isolated from Meiktila Lake, their retention times (tR), concentrations, relative abundances (%) and observed m/z values in negative ionisation modea.

m/z Compound Name Confidence tR (min) Concentrationb
AB2017/14 AB2017/15
μg g−1 % μg g−1 %
1 1022.5443 [D-Asp3]MC-RRc Confirmed 4.18 2.4 0.21 1002.4 7.21
2 1022.5454 [Dha7]MC-RRc Probable 4.53 0.1 0.01 31.8 0.23
3 1036.5597 MC-RRc Confirmed 4.55 19.4 1.74 1458.0 10.49
4 995.4858 [D-Asp3]MC-ERc Probable 6.14 ND - 119.6 0.86
5 1114.5657 MC-LR–Cysd Probable 6.16 0.1 0.01 ND -
6 1045.5378 MC-(H2)YRc Probable 6.18 32.4 2.90 ND -
7 1031.5224 [D-Asp3]MC-(H2)YRc Probable 6.20 32.9 2.95 ND -
8 1033.5381 [D-Asp3]MC-(H4)YRc Probable 6.27 0.6 0.05 148.1 1.07
9 1009.5015 MC-ERc Probable 6.55 0.6 0.05 37.8 0.27
10 1029.5072 [D-Asp3]MC-YRc Probable 6.59 ND - 144.1 1.04
11 1047.5540 MC-(H4)YRc Probable 6.64 6.4 0.57 310.8 2.24
12 1011.5530 [Mser7]MC-LR Probable 6.80 0.4 0.04 13.3 0.10
13 979.5273 [D-Asp3]MC-LRc Confirmed 6.89 40.8 3.65 1870.3 13.45
14 1043.5224 MC-YRc Confirmed 6.99 9.1 0.81 317.4 2.28
15 1011.4999 MC-MRc,d,e Probable 6.99 3.6 0.32 ND -
16 1073.5329 MC-Y(OMe)Rc Probable 7.07 7.2 0.64 ND -
17 993.5435 MC-LRc Confirmed 7.12 183.0 16.38 3332.5 23.97
18 979.5289 [Dha7]MC-LRc Confirmed 7.13 0.8 0.07 37.4 0.27
19 1080.5170 Unidentified MCc Unidentified 7.15 59.0 5.28 ND -
20 1070.5332 MC-KynRc Probable 7.35 4.5 0.40 ND -
21 1007.5582 MC-HilRc Confirmed 7.38 41.8 3.74 17.9 0.13
22 1080.5169 Unidentifiedc Unidentified 7.38 59.6 5.34 ND -
23 1082.5311 MC-OiaRc Tentative 7.40 102.4 9.17 ND -
24 995.4857 [D-Asp3]MC-REc Probable 7.43 ND - 110.1 0.79
25 1027.5269 MC-FRc Confirmed 7.48 255.2 22.85 ND -
26 1066.5380 MC-WRc Confirmed 7.64 0.7 0.06 ND -
27 1009.5015 MC-REc Probable 7.79 3.8 0.34 1281.0 9.21
28 951.4955 MC-RAc Probable 8.24 13 1.16 ND -
29 965.5116 MC-RAbuc Probable 8.83 7.1 0.64 ND -
30 946.4577 MC-(H2)YGc Probable 9.06 5.4 0.48 ND -
31 1011.4966 MC-RMc,d,e Probable 9.23 0.2 0.02 ND -
32 960.4738 MC-(H2)YAc Probable 9.34 10.1 0.90 ND -
33 953.4783 Unidentified MCc Unidentified 9.50 12 1.07 ND -
34 967.4942 Unidentified MCc Unidentified 9.78 2.3 0.21 ND -
35 984.4735 Unidentified MCc Unidentified 9.96 3.7 0.33 ND -
36 968.4272 [D-Asp3]MC-EEc Probable 11.43 ND - 403.3 2.90
37 982.4432 MC-EEc Probable 12.58 0.9 0.08 1533.5 11.03
38 952.4690 [D-Asp3]MC-LEc Probable 12.82 1.2 0.11 358.8 2.58
39 894.4631 [D-Asp3]MC-LAc Probable 13.32 6.5 0.58 ND -
40 966.4849 MC-LEc Probable 13.69 12.9 1.15 1376.1 9.90
41 908.4788 MC-LAc Confirmed 14.87 44.8 4.01 ND -
42 922.4942 MC-HilAc Probable 15.29 5.9 0.53 ND -
43 981.4737 MC-WAc Probable 15.88 4.4 0.39 ND -
44 942.4629 MC-FAc Probable 15.95 42.3 3.79 ND -
45 922.4943 MC-LAbuc Probable 16.09 16.6 1.49 ND -
46 936.5110 MC-HilAbuc Probable 16.55 2.2 0.20 ND -
47 995.4898 MC-WAbuc Probable 17.20 13.4 1.20 ND -
48 956.4784 MC-FAbuc Probable 17.39 26.4 2.36 ND -
49 936.5106 MC-LVc Probable 17.62 3.6 0.32 ND -
50 950.5254 MC-LLc Probable 17.93 3.9 0.35 ND -
51 970.4944 MC-FVc Probable 18.40 0.7 0.06 ND -
52 950.5262 iso-MC-LLc Tentative 18.49 1.2 0.11 ND -
53 1009.5041 MC-WVc Probable 18.54 2.9 0.26 ND -
54 1023.5210 MC-WLc Probable 18.74 2.8 0.25 ND -
55 970.4942 iso-MC-FVc Tentative 18.79 2.1 0.19 ND -
56 1023.5216 iso-MC-WLc Tentative 19.16 1.3 0.12 ND -

a A comprehensive version of this table, including positive and negative ionisation MS data, reactivity towards thiols and mild oxidising agents, number of rings plus double-bond equivalents (RDBE) and presence of characteristic ions observed in positive and negative ionisation MS/MS spectra, is in the Supporting Information (Table S1) together with LC–HRMS/MS spectra (Figures S1–S59). b Concentration expressed per weight of biomass (FW) and as a percentage of total microcystins detected in each culture); ND = not detected; c Reacted with mercaptoethanol; d Oxidised by Oxone/DMSO; e HRMS/MS spectrum of oxidation product obtained.