Infectivity of cell lines by pseudotyped viruses, indicating cell count of GFP positive cells. The mammalian cell lines are presented by white bars and the reptilian cell lines by grey bars, the X-axes indicate the individual cell lines and the Y-axes show the permissiveness in relation to VSV-G pseudotypes, expressed as relative percentage in comparison to the most permissive cell line. The values represent the average of four measurements, and the error bars show standard deviation. Abbreviations for the viruses: UHV-1—University of Helsinki Virus-1, UHV-2—University of Helsinki Virus-2, UGV-1—University of Giessen virus-1, GGV-1—Golden Gate Virus-1, CASV-1—California Academy of Sciences virus-1, ABV-1—auroa borealis virus-1, ABV-2—aurora borealis virus-2, TSMV-2—tavallinen suomalainen mies virus-2, S-5—S-5 like segment virus, HISV-1—Haartman Institute snake virus-1, LCMV—Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, JUNV—Junin virus.