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. 2017 Jun 8;3:116. doi: 10.18332/tpc/70873

Table 3.

Public opinion on the noticeability of graphic health warnings and their suggestions of alternate placement locations among adults (n=1048) in Cairo, Egypt, 2015

Phase II N=700 N (%) Phase III N=348 N (%)
In your opinion, will waterpipe smokers notice GHW
No 364 (52) 186 (53.4)
Non-WPS 273 (75.0) 109 (58.6)
WPS 91 (25.0) 77(41.4)
p-value* >0.05 >0.05
Will the GHW be more noticed if placed differently
Yes 482 (68.9) 277 (79.6)
Non-WPS 369 (76.6) 156 (56.3)
WPS 113(23.4) 121 (43.7)
p-value* >0.05 >0.05
If yes, please indicate where N=411 N=277
Different placement on the pack itself 78 (19.0) 119 (43.0)
Non-WPS 62(80.9) 72 (60.5)
WPS 16.5 47 (39.5)
On the waterpipe device or its accessories 49 (11.9) 130 (46.9)
Non-WPS 29 (59.1) 66(50.8)
WPS 20 (40.8) 64(49.2)
Other (e.g., inside cafés, in public places) 284 (69.1) 28 (10.1)
Non-WPS 185 (65.1) 18(64.3)
WPS 99 (34.9) 10(35.7)
p-value* >0.05 >0.05
Do you think any of the following placement methods will be more noticed by a waterpipe smoker (Figure 1 shown)
Yes 564 (80.6) 284 (81.6)
If yes, which one (more than one option allowed) ** N=564 N=284
Glass body 136 (24.1) 64 (22.5)
Metal holder 148 (26.2) 93 (32.7)
Mouthpiece 201 (35.6) 103 (36.3)
Hose 68 (12.1) 19 (6.7)
Menu 67 (11.9) 5 (1.8)

P-value determines significant difference between WPS and non-WPS in each phase.


Total doesn’t add up to total number of participants as they were invited to choose all that apply for placement spots.