GHGE from protein foods in potential changers before and after hypothetical changes
Data are mean (95% CI); all analyses account for survey design and sampling weights. Potential changers (n=1026) were individuals who reported trying dietary guidance and were estimated to be likely to agree that humans contribute to climate change. These individuals were 16% of the sample (95% CI 15–17). All replacements were made in equal calorie amounts, as estimated from the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Replacements were only made if individuals consumed the meats in question: 645 (61%) ate beef, and 938 (92%) ate beef, pork, or poultry. GHGE=greenhouse gas emissions. *Plant proteins are legumes, nuts, and seeds; diet changes for each potential changer reflected the individual's actual reported intakes of these three food groups; replacements were made in the same ratio as that the individual reported eating the three food groups; if the individual did not eat any of the food groups, the overall average proportions in the sample were used to distribute the new intake, specifically 0·405 for legumes other than soy, 0·336 for nuts or seeds, and 0·259 for soy.