(A, B) Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explants placed in 3D collagen from WT and Efhd1 KO E13.5 mouse embryos stained with α-βIII-tubulin. Scale bar: 1,000 μm. (C, D) Limbs from WT and Efhd1 KO E14.5 mouse embryos, stained with α-βIII-tubulin. Arrows point missing axonal branches in the Efhd1 KO. Scale bar: 500 μm. (E) Axonal lengths of eight WT and eight Efhd1 KO DRGs were quantified by four measurements in three independent experiments (N = 3). Graph shows means ± SEM (unpaired t test *P = 0.0237). (F) Overall axonal coverage (total axonal length that cover the limb’s surface). Graph shows means ± SEM (unpaired t test *P = 0.038). (G) Total number of branching was quantified. Graphs show means ± SEM (unpaired t test *P = 0.032). (F, G) Seven WT (N = 7) and eight Efhd1 KO (N = 8) embryos were analyzed in (F, G), data for each embryo represent the average measurements of both limbs. (H, I) E17.5 WT and Efdh1 KO mouse embryos were stained with anti-Islet1. Scale bar: 100 μm. (J) Graph shows means ± SEM (unpaired t test *P = 0.011). (L, M) E17.5 WT and Efdh1 KO mouse embryos were stained with anti-cleaved caspase-3 (CC3). Scale bar: 100 μm. (K) Graph shows means ± SEM (unpaired t test *P = 0.020). Arrows point to the CC3-positive cells in the DRGs. (J, K) Five WT (N = 5) and seven Efhd1 KO (N = 7) embryos were analyzed, and the numbers of Islet1-positive neurons (J) and of CC3 positive (K) were quantified in 60 sections/embryo. (N, O) Glabrous skin of adult hind limbs from WT and Efdh1 KO adult mice was stained with α-βIII-tubulin and visualized by confocal microscopy. Scale bar 100 μm. (P) Nerve-ending fiber quantification. Graph shows means ± SEM (unpaired t test *P = 0.013). 25 sections from each left hind limb of three WT (N = 3) and three Efhd1 KO (N = 3) adult animals were analyzed.