Table 5.
Sex-Adjusted Principal Components Analysis: Pattern Matrix Loadings
Sex-Adjusted Loadings |
Measure outcome | Component 1: 24.64% of variance | Component 2: 15.42% of variance | Component 3: 9.64% of variance | Component 4: 7.41% of variance | Component 5: 6.74% of variance | Component 6.28% of variance |
DOSPERT Ethical Risk Taking | −.832 | −.039 | .164 | −.142 | .124 | .041 |
DOSPERT Health/Safety Risk Taking | −.729 | −.017 | −.035 | .405 | .201 | .059 |
DOSPERT Ethical Risk Perception | .609 | .031 | .071 | .186 | .467 | −.114 |
DOSPERT Health/Safety Risk Perception | .623 | −.001 | .162 | −.191 | .38 | .015 |
PCQ Block 1 LogH | .03 | .849 | .011 | .051 | .033 | −.049 |
PCQ Block 2 LogH | −.034 | .919 | .009 | .012 | .007 | −.04 |
PCQ Block 3 LogH | −.045 | .794 | .03 | −.034 | −.043 | −.017 |
PDT LogH | .036 | .759 | −.031 | −.019 | −.011 | .107 |
DOSPERT Financial Risk Taking | −.067 | −.004 | .844 | .092 | −.098 | −.035 |
SCF IRQ | −.042 | .027 | −.725 | −.064 | −.077 | −.101 |
DOSPERT Recreational Risk Taking | −.016 | −.048 | .226 | .839 | .046 | .037 |
DOSPERT Recreational Risk Perception | .096 | .052 | .036 | −.602 | .523 | .071 |
DOSPERT Financial Risk Perception | .085 | .045 | −.495 | .091 | .678 | .108 |
DOSPERT Social Risk Perception | −.091 | .005 | .157 | −.137 | .632 | −.365 |
BART: Mean Adjusted Pumps (for unpopped balloons) | −.053 | −.002 | .04 | −.219 | −.025 | .734 |
Note. SCF IRQ = survey of consumer finances investment risk question; DOSPERT = Domain-Specific Risk-Taking Scale; PDT = The Probability Discounting Task; PCQ = Probabilistic Choice Questionnaire; BART = Balloon Analogue Risk Task. All values over .3 are in bold.