Fig. 4. Functionalized photo-switchable nanogels for lifetime imaging in living cell.
a Schematic illustration of the nanogel functionalization strategy and post-polymerization modification strategy for mitochondria tracking. b Confocal images of co-localized nanogel (TPP-N6, green channel) with MitoTracker Red (Red channel) in live A549 cells. Green channel: the ring-opened form of SP (λex. = 405 nm); Red channel: MitoTracker Red (λex. = 630 nm). The intensity correlation plots of TPP-N6 and MitoTracker Red were processed on imageJ and Pearson correlation coefficient was analyzed using Coloc2 plugins; c Schematic illustration of the lifetime amplification strategy using the reversible method compared with the previous method which required extra-long lifetime. d FLIM images of the nanogel with mitochondria tracker (TPP-N6) in live A549 cells under the stimulation of remote UV and Vis manipulation (Irradiation time: 120 s). Similar images were obtained for more than two sets of experiments. The insert images are the lifetime histograms of the nanogel in the whole image; Scale bar: 60 μm; Color bar: Fast lifetimes (ns). e The FLIM image (top) of TPP-N6 in live A549 cells before UV irradiation was subtracted with the same range after UV irradiation calculated by ImageJ. The subtracted image (top) was compared with the confocal fluorescence (bottom) of MitoTracker Red (Red channel).