Fig. 4. Twin boundary transformation from P│B interfaces to CTB during detwinning.
a–c Sequential HRTEM snapshots of the process. The dominant defects in the twinning transit from disconnections on P│B interfaces to twinning dislocations (b2, h2) on CTB. Zig-zag turquoise lines indicate the P│B interfaces. White arrows in a, b indicate the moving directions of the disconnections on the P│B interface. d Overview of the twin upon partial detwinning, showing serrated twin boundaries. e–g Sequential HRTEM snapshots showing CTB propagation by twinning dislocations. White dash line is a reference line to show the migration of the CTBs (colored lines). Arrows in c, e–g indicate the migration direction of the twinning dislocations. Scale bars in a–g, 2 nm.