Association between the concentration of the anti-Müllerian hormone in seminal plasma (SP-AMH) and in vivo fertility parameters of boars in terms of direct boar effect. A total of 17 Artificial Insemination (AI)-boars (n = 3 ejaculates per boar) were classified as having low- (AMH-L; ranging from to 494.10 to 774.47 ng/mL, n = 9) or high- (AMH-H; ranging from 770.53 to 1096.72 ng/mL, n = 19) SP-AMH concentration in their ejaculates (mean of three ejaculates). Violin plots represent deviations and distribution of (A) farrowing rate deviation, (B) litter size deviation, (C) stillbirths number deviation, and (D) the gestation (days) deviation of these AI-boars. Dashed line represents the median and dotted lines the 25 and 75% quartiles. No significant differences were found between SP-AMH groups in any in vivo fertility parameter.