Changes of coronary flow (CF) during reperfusion. After baseline adjustment, the change over time of coronary flow (A) during reperfusion was differently affected by STH2-warm cardioplegic solution and STH2-cold cardioplegic solution (timepoint x group p < 0.001). After 15 min of reperfusion, pigs receiving STH2-warm showed a 0.41-fold altered coronary flow compared to the STH2-cold group (95% CI 0.20–0.89). After 30 min, a similar reduction was observed (0.35-fold; 95% CI 0.17–0.76). At further timepoints, CF values did not significantly differ between groups. After 15 min, pigs receiving STH2-warm also exhibited 0.42-fold (95% CI 0.18–0.97) lower CF values compared to the off-pump control (B). Values are estimated geometric means (A) or estimated -fold differences (B) with 95% confidence intervals, n = 5–6/group. CF: coronary flow.