(A) Structure of SK1
with bound ADP and the inhibitor PF-543 inside the lipid
binding channel. SK1 and PF-543 are
taken from the crystal structure with PDB ID 4V24(27) and the nucleotide by superimposing with PDB ID 3VZD.28 (B) Close-up view of the Sph-binding site,
“J-channel”, illustrating the nonpolar residues (white
stick-and-balls) that comprise the foot of the J-channel and the polar
residues (green C, blue N, red O) around the polar head of the J-channel. PF-543 is shown with orange C sticks, and dashed lines indicate
the hydrogen bonding interactions with Asp264 (SK1 isoform 2 numbering
as in PDB 4V24). Isoform-specific residue changes at the “toe” and
“heel” of the J-channel have been proposed to influence
inhibitor selectivity for SK1 versus SK2. (C–E) Bound models
of the designed analogues 1-Glc (C), 1-GlcNAc (D), and 1-Gal (E) inside the J-channel of SK1. The
translucent surfaces indicate the space occupied by PF-543, whereas polar residues at the head of the J-channel are shown with
ball-and-sticks. Hydrogen bonds are indicated by dashed lines with
the heavy-atom distance in Å, whereas putative interactions within
3.5 Å are shown with dotted lines.