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. 2020 May 19;20:442. doi: 10.1186/s12885-020-6635-8

Table 1.

Patient characteristics of 219 patients and 316 lesions

n % Median (range)
 Female 90 41.1
 Male 129 58.9
Age at RT [years] 68 (6–91)
Primary tumor type
 NSLC 56 17.7
 CRC 93 29.4
 Melanoma 11 3.5
 Breast Cancer 20 6.3
 Others 136 43.0
Number of pulmonary METs
  ≤ 3 203 64.2
  > 3 113 35.8
MET location
 Central 34 10.8
 Upper lobe 130 41.1
 Middle lobe 23 7.3
 Lower lobe 129 40.8
 Right 169 53.5
 Left 145 45.9
 Bilateral 2 0.6
Extra thoracic MET
 Yes 131 41.5
 No 185 58.5
KPS [%] at RT
 100 8 2.5
 90 141 44.6
 80 137 43.4
 70 22 7.0
 60 7 2.2
 50 1 0.3
Prior thorax RT
 Yes 87 27.5
 No 229 72.5
CHT between MET diagnosis and SBRT
 Yes 58 18.4
 No 258 81.6
Time primary diagnosis until MET diagnosis [months] 30.9 (0–265.9)
Time MET diagnosis until RT [months] 1.7 (0–127.3)
PTV [ml] 28.8 (2.0–517.0)
GTV [ml] 5.4 (0.1–217.6)

NSCLC Non-small cell lung cancer, CRC Colorectal carcinoma, KPS Karnofsky performance score, RT Radiotherapy, CHT Chemotherapy, MET Metastasis, PTV Planning target volume, GTV Gross tumor volume