Brain systems that display context-dependent interactions with the CSTC system. The CSTC system is thought to shape the experience of time through interactions with other brain centers that are relevant to a situation. Thus, by extension these functional interactions may also come into play during action planning. (Top) Cognitive and emotion-based systems interact with the CSTC system during interval timing in a contextually-sensitive manner. Lateral and coronal views display cognitive and emotion processing centers known to exhibit effective connectivity or co-activate with the CSTC system during interval timing. CSTC functional interactions with of these regions are thought to bring about distortions in perceived duration. These regions include frontal cognitive-control or executive processing centers (purple), dorsal (green) and ventral (gold) attention networks, and an emotion-processing hub, the amygdala (blue; coronal view). (Bottom) Sensorimotor and association centers also interact with the CSTC system during interval timing and for the purpose of action planning. These centers include the premotor (green), sensorimotor (blue), inferior parietal (yellow), primary auditory (red), and visual (fuchsia) cortices.