Distribution of extracellular plaques enriched of sortilin C-terminal fragments (shortened as “sorfra plaques”) in the temporal lobe structures from a brain with Aβ pathology scored at Thal phase 1 and tauopathy scored at Braak stage III. Section orientation (in A, with “M” points to medial and “I” points to inferior relative to anatomical position), figure panel arrangement, neuroanatomical structures, cortical lamination, and scale bars are as indicated. (A–E) Low- and high-power views of plaque-like and cellular labeling visualized by the C-terminal antibody. Sorfra plaques are present with an overall low density across the neocortical regions from the superior temporal gyrus (STG) to the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) (A–D). Sorfra plaques are reduced in number and then disappeared as moving from the neocortical to entorhinal parts of the PHG (A,D). As such, no sorfra plaques are seen in the subicular subregions, hippocampus proper and dentate gyrus (DG) (A,E). Labeled cellular profiles are present in the cortex and hippocampal formation, including the hilar mossy cells (E). (F–J) Low- and high-power views of Aβ immunolabeling in an adjacent section. Aβ labeling appearing as compact and diffuse plaques occurs with comparable density over the superior, middle, and inferior temporal and fusiform gyri (F–H). The amount of plaques is reduced in the PHG as moving into the entorhinal cortex (F,I). However, a fairly large amount of diffuse Aβ deposition is present in the parasubiculum (F). In addition, leptomeningeal β-amyloidosis occurs in the molecular layer (ML) along the ventricular edge of the DG (F,J). (K–O) pTau labeling in another adjacent section. A few individually labeled neurons and neuritic clusters are recognizable in the neocortical regions from the STG to FG at high magnifications (L,M). In comparison, a greater amount of pTau-immunoreactive neuronal somata and neuritic profiles are present over the entorhinal subregions and hippocampal CA1 sector (K,N,O). Some pTau-labeled neurons are tangled, as featured by an uneven labeling in the somata and/or truncation of the dendritic tree (inserts in L–O). Abbreviations are as defined in Figure 1.