Figure 1.
Moderated Mediation Model.
Note. The upper panel presents the structural equation model. The bottom panel presents the interpretation of the Conditional Indirect Effect Between Child Maltreatment and Alcohol Use Problems via Depressive Symptoms Conditional on HRV-R. T1 = Time-point 1, T2 = Time-point 2. Standardized coefficients are presented. Gender and past-year household income were controlled, and their paths are not presented in the figure for clarity. Model fit is good: χ2 (77) = 130.200 (p < .001), CFI = .950, SRMR = .044. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. In the bottom panel, Shadowed area indicates that among participants with vagal augmentation (i.e. low HRV-R, 75.2% of participants), the indirect effect of child maltreatment on alcohol use through depressive symptoms was positive and significant.