Patient self-report methods for the Post-COVID-19 Functional Status (PCFS) scale. a) Flowchart. b) Patient questionnaire. Instructions for use: 1) to assess recovery after the SARS-CoV-2 infection, this PCFS scale covers the entire range of functional limitations, including changes in lifestyle, sports and social activities; 2) assignment of a PCFS scale grade concerns the average situation of the past week (exception: when assessed at discharge, it concerns the situation of the day of discharge); 3) symptoms include (but are not limited to) dyspnoea, pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, memory loss, depression and anxiety; 4) in case two grades seem to be appropriate, always choose the highest grade with the most limitations; 5) measuring functional status before the infection is optional; 6) alternatively to this flowchart and patient questionnaire, an extensive structured interview is available. The full manual for patients and physicians or study personnel is available from (free of charge).