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. 2020 May 19;15(5):e0232868. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232868

Table 4. CSC impact on health worker-reported responsibilities and service provision outcomes among nurses/midwives and HSAs by treatment vs. control areas: Local average treatment effect (LATE) estimates, endline, 20141.

Variable Outcome ITT Models LATE Models
ITT 95% CI t p LATE 95% CI t p
Service responsibilities
Responsibility for core healthcare services Antenatal care 0.10 0.04–0.17 3.29 0.004 0.18 0.06–0.31 3.17 .005
Family planning provision -0.07 -0.22–0.09 -0.94 0.361 -0.12 -0.41–0.16 -0.91 .374
HIV/PMTCT counseling 0.04 -0.09–0.17 0.63 0.539 0.07 -0.16–0.29 0.63 .534
HIV testing -0.08 -0.15 - -0.00 -2.19 0.041 -0.14 -0.26 - -0.01 -2.23 .038
Labor and delivery -0.00 -0.06–0.05 -0.12 0.909 -0.01 -0.11–0.10 -0.12 .908
Postpartum follow-up 0.15 -0.02–0.32 1.80 0.087 0.26 -0.04–0.57 1.80 .088
Record keeping/ tracking/ monitoring of pregnant & postpartum women 0.09 -0.02–0.20 1.67 0.111 0.16 -0.03–0.34 1.75 .096
Supervision of other providers -0.05 -0.20–0.11 -0.63 0.538 -0.08 -0.37–0.20 -0.62 .546
Proportion of your working hours did you work in the community? -0.01 -0.47–0.45 -0.05 0.958 -0.02 -0.84–0.80 -0.05 .958
Record keeping Do you record how any pregnant women or new mothers you see each month?2 0.26 0.17–0.35 6.07 < .001 0.44 0.31–0.58 7.03 < .001
Service provision
Antenatal care (ANC) Pregnant women visited at home at least once during their pregnancy? 2 0.53 -0.03–1.09 1.98 0.062 0.93 -0.10–1.97 1.89 .075
Number of times visited pregnant women in catchment area at home during their pregnancy? 2 0.02 -0.33–0.38 0.13 0.899 0.04 -0.59–0.66 0.13 .899
Comprehensive ANC counseling 0.18 0.05–0.30 2.95 0.008 0.31 0.08–0.53 2.80 .011
Family planning (FP) Comprehensive FP counseling 0.02 -0.13–0.17 0.33 0.749 0.04 -0.23–0.31 0.33 .747
Of these women you counseled during the last month, about how many were young women or adolescents? 0.15 -0.12–0.41 1.17 0.257 0.26 -0.21–0.73 1.15 .264
About how old was the last woman you counseled about family planning? -1.40 -2.61 - -0.18 -2.41 0.026 -2.53 -4.69 - -0.38 -2.46 .023
Thinking about the last time you provided family planning services to a woman, was she currently married? 0.05 -0.06–0.15 0.87 0.395 0.08 -0.11–0.27 0.88 .388
Thinking about the last time you provided family planning services to a woman, did she come with her partner? 0.04 -0.08–0.16 0.65 0.522 0.07 -0.15–0.28 0.65 .521

1 LATE estimates represent percentage difference for binary outcomes and mean difference for continuous outcomes. All LATE models contained CSC participation instrumented on treatment assignment, and all ITT and LATE models contained the following covariates: age, religion, sex, ethnicity, location where health worker lives, electricity in home, and the time required to reach a main road.

2Nurses/midwives excluded from model.