A–C) Same as
Figure 10A–C but for the grand-averaged rate of post-feedback long beta bursts. The
regression coefficients were significantly different than 0 for each group (
). Further to this result,
was positive and larger in anx1 than in control participants (
). By contrast, the regression coefficient
was negative and significantly smaller in the anx1 group than in the control group (
). This outcome resembles the results in
Figure 10A–C, suggesting that smaller pwPE on reward contributed to a larger rate of long beta bursts. The second regressor coefficient
did not differ significantly from zero and changes in
did not contribute to better explaining the beta activity (see main text). Anx2 participants did not have significantly different regressor coefficients than the control group. In summary, the multiple regression results linked a higher post-feedback rate of long-lived oscillation bursts (as observed in anx1) with reduced updates about reward.