Images of bacterial filamentous forms associated with the healthy murine conjunctiva. A) Control showing that eyes incubated in D-alanine without an alkyne did not cause fluorescent labeling. B) Using wild-type transgenic mice with fluorescent red cell membranes [mT/mG knock-in mice (Muzumdar et al., 2007) in conjunction with alkDala labeling showed that filamentous structures on the conjunctiva (upper panels) did not colocalize with host cell membranes (Mem-dtom). Conversely, when filament-like structures were present in host tissue, alkDala labeling was not present (lower panels). Images shown on the left and right are of the same fields of view with different emission filters. (C) Imaging of murine conjunctival epithelial tissue shows that DMN-Tre, a probe specific for Corynebacterineae (red), labeled most of the same conjunctival forms as alkDala (green). All images are from the same field of view with different emission filters (Reproduced from Wan et al., 2018).