Figure 4.
Chromatin architecture alterations at the ICR1 locus in BWS-ICR1 cells. The entire figure is to scale and has a reverse orientation with respect to Fig. 1 because these loci are classically reported with a reverse orientation since the genes are transcribed on the negative strand. (a) Schematic showing modifications of the chromatin interactome of the ICR1 domain in the BWS-ICR1 cell line compared with the mean of the controls. All the differences presented were statistically significant. Red triangles, interactions between different elements in the region. The intensity of the red colour is directly proportional to the number of interactions present in that sub-region. Coloured circles, association frequencies: green, unchanged interaction compared with the control mean; yellow, novel interaction in the pathological cell line; white circle >black circle, increase of the interaction strength in the pathological cell line compared with the control mean; black circle >white circle, decrease of the interaction strength in the pathological cell line compared with the control mean. A linear representation of the ICR1 imprinted domain is depicted below. Black triangles and bold characters indicate the anchor, used for 3C analysis. The dotted rectangle highlights the increased ROIs that indicate a gain of contact between enhancers (Enh A and Enh B) and IGF2 promoter in the BWS-ICR1 cells. (b) The ICR1 locus looping profiles for the different anchors in controls (dotted black) and BWS-ICR1 (red) cell lines. BglII restriction sites are indicated above. Each point in the profile is the mean ± standard deviation of two independent 3C experiments and indicates the association frequency between the anchor and the fragment on the left of the corresponding BglII restriction site. Statistically significant differences (two-way ANOVA test) between the mean of controls and BWS-ICR1 are indicated by asterisks; ****P ≤ 0.0001; ***P ≤ 0.001; **P ≤ 0.01; *P ≤ 0.05. The overall results represent the sum of the chromatin conformations of normal alleles (paternal and maternal) and BWS pathological allele.