Figure 6.
Rheological studies of goat eye vitreous treated with CBD/RCBD vitreous: (Panel A) Experimental set-up; (Panel B) Measurements of storage modulus (G’) and loss modulus (G”) were done for the control vitreous sample (treated with PBS) and vitreous treated with reagents. Frequency sweeps were recorded at fixed shear strain amplitude (γ○ =3%); linear viscoelastic region (i.e., modulus independent of frequency) is taken within the range of π/5 to 2π rad/s of oscillatory frequency sweep. Error bars indicate standard deviation; (Panel C) Upon treatment of vitreous with CBD, G’ decreased in a dose-dependent manner whereas injection with PBS (control) or BSA (negative control) did not show any change in G’; (D) Both, CBD as well as RCBD-treated vitreous resulted in a significant decrease in storage modulus (P < 0.05). The combination of CBD and RCBD showed a similar effect as seen with individual reagents; (E) The loss tangent (G”/G’) increased significantly in the presence of either reagent used individually, as well as in combination, as compared to control (p < 0.05). (**No of goat eyeballs per treatment group, n = 3).