An antibiotic cocktail treatment improved T. musculis colonization. (A and B) The total number (A) and concentration (B) of T. musculis in the cecal content were quantified in WT B6 mice fed HFD with or without antibiotic treatment. (C and D) The α-diversity of gut commensal bacteria in the gut ecosystem with or without antibiotic treatment was indicated by the Shannon index (C) and Chao1 index (D). (E) PCoA based on OTU abundance of the cecal bacteria. Each symbol represents one individual mouse. (F) Relative abundance of the indicated taxonomic compositions at the phyla level in the WT mice with or without antibiotic treatment. (G and H) The total number (G) and concentration (H) of T. musculis in the cecal content from WT B6 mice fed ND with or without antibiotic treatment. (I and J) The total number (I) and concentration (J) of T. musculis in the cecal content from WT B6 mice fed HFI with or without antibiotic treatment. The experiments were repeated 2 times. A total of 5 to 10 mice were included in each group in panels A, B, and G to J, and a total of 5 mice in each group were included in panels C to F. The error bars represent the standard deviation. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ns, no statistical significance; 3Abx, ampicillin plus vancomycin plus neomycin; ND, normal chow diet; HFD, high-fat diet; HFI, HFD plus 10% inulin; T. mu, T. musculis.