Impacts of rad23 deletion on radial growth, aerial conidiation, and conidial properties. (A, B) Colony sizes of the Δrad23 mutant and control strains grown for 8 days under the optimal regime of 25°C and L:D 12:12 on rich SDAY, minimal CDA, and CDA amended with different carbon sources (3% glucose, glycerol, stearic acid, oleic acid, or sodium acetate) or nitrogen sources (0.3% NH4Cl, NaNO2, NH4NO3, or one of 18 amino acids). Each colony was initiated by spreading 1 μl of a 106 conidia · ml−1 suspension per plate. (C) Conidial yields quantified from the SDAY cultures during a 9-day incubation at the optimal regime. (D) Time (h) for 50% conidial germination (GT50) at 25°C. (E) Conidial size and complexity are indicated by the FSC and SSC readings, respectively, from flow cytometry (FCM) of three samples (2 × 104 conidia per sample). (F) Relative transcript (RT) levels of four genes required for conidiation and conidial maturation. The asterisk marked on a given phenotype of the Δrad23 mutant denotes a significant difference from the same phenotype of two unmarked control strains (Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.05). Error bars indicate standard deviations from three replicates.