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. 2020 May 19;323(19):1–10. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.3937

Table. Characteristics of the Study Population According to Maternal Antenatal Corticosteroid Treatment Exposure.

No. (%)a
Entire cohort (N = 670 097) Treatment-exposed (n = 14 868) Nonexposed (n = 655 229)
Boys 342 562 (51.1) 8010 (53.9) 334 552 (51.1)
Girls 327 535 (48.9) 6858 (46.1) 320 677 (48.9)
Timing of birth
Preterm (<37 wk 0 d) 28 610 (4.3) 8138 (54.7) 20472 (3.1)
Term (≥37 wk 0 d) 641 487 (95.7) 6730 (45.3) 634 757 (96.9)
Birth weight, mean (SD), g 3529 (527) 2659 (950) 3548 (496)
Apgar score (maximum at 1 and 5 min)b
0-3 1364 (0.2) 192 (1.3) 1172 (0.2)
4-6 9551 (1.4) 1056 (7.1) 8495 (1.3)
7-10 658 226 (98.2) 13 504 (90.8) 644 722 (98.4)
Unknown 956 (0.1) 116 (0.8) 840 (0.1)
Admission to NICU
No 601 723 (89.8) 7360 (49.5) 594 363 (90.7)
Yes 60 866 (10.2) 7508 (50.5) 60 866 (9.3)
Age at delivery, mean (SD), y 30.4 (5.3) 30.6 (5.8) 30.3 (5.3)
0 278 639 (41.6) 6750 (45.4) 271 889 (41.5)
1 227 064 (33.9) 4458 (30.0) 222 606 (34.0)
2 98 070 (14.6) 2081 (14.0) 95 989 (14.6)
3 33 874 (5.1) 796 (5.4) 33 078 (5.0)
≥4 32 344 (4.8) 783 (5.3) 31 561 (4.8)
Unknown 106 (0.02) 0 106 (0.02)
Delivery mode
Vaginal 563 805 (84.1) 9324 (62.7) 554 481 (84.6)
Cesarean 106 292 (15.9) 5544 (37.3) 100 748 (15.4)
Prepregnancy BMI, mean (SD)c 24.4 (4.9) 24.5 (5.4) 24.4 (4.9)
Unknown 13 237 (2.0) 161 (1.1) 13 076 (2.0)
Premature rupture of membranesd
No 650 286 (97.4) 12 689 (83.3) 640 200 (97.3)
Yes 19 811 (3.0) 2538 (16.7) 17 451 (2.7)
Gestational diabetesd
No 593 877 (88.6) 1234 (83.2) 581 503 (88.7)
Yes 76 220 (11.4) 2494 (16.8) 73 726 (11.3)
No 642 365 (95.9) 13 335 (89.7) 629 030 (96.0)
Yes 27 732 (4.1) 1533 (10.3) 26 199 (4.0)
Any lifetime mental disorderd
No 545 435 (81.6) 10 895 (73.3) 534 540 (81.6)
Yes 124 662 (18.4) 3973 (26.7) 120 689 (18.4)
Smoking during pregnancy
No 571 447 (85.3) 12 101 (81.4) 559 346 (85.4)
Yes 98 650 (14.7) 2767 (18.6) 95 883 (14.6)

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.


Percentages may not total 100% because of rounding.


The Apgar score is calculated at 1 and 5 minutes after birth, uses skin color, pulse rate, reflexes, muscle tone, and respiratory effort to determine medical attention. Scores from 0 to 3 suggest a need for resuscitation, while scores of 7 or more are considered normal.


Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.


International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision codes: premature rupture of membranes, O42; gestational diabetes, O24; hypertension, O10, O13-O15; any lifetime mental disorder, including organic mental disorders, disorders due to psychoactive substance use, schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders, mood disorders, neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders, behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors, disorders of adult personality and behavior, intellectual disabilities, disorders of psychological development, behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence, F00-F99.