Figure 3.
Phylogenetic tree based on the coat protein (CP) amino acid residues of ApNMV isolates with members of the genus ilarvirus. Subgroup 1: Ageratum latent virus (AgLV, NC022129), tobacco streak virus (TSV, NC003845), strawberry necrotic shock virus (SNSV, NC008706), blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus (BCRV, NC011555), privet ringspot virus (PrRSV, NC027930), parietaria mottle virus (PMoV, NC005854). Subgroup 2: asparagus virus 2 (AV2, NC011807), citrus leaf rugose virus (CLRV, NC003546), citrus variegation virus (CVV, NC009536), elm mottle virus (EMoV, NC003570), spinach latent virus (SpLV, NC003810), tomato necrotic streak virus (TomNSV, KT779206), tulare apple mosaic virus (TAMV, NC003835). Subgroup 3: apple mosaic virus (ApMV, NC003480), blueberry shock virus (BlShV, NC022252), lilac leaf chlorosis virus (LLCV, NC025481), prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV, NC004364). Subgroup 4: fragaria chiloensis latent virus (FClLV, NC006568), prune dwarf virus (PDV, NC008038). No subgroup determined: American plum line pattern virus (APLPV, NC003453), humulus japonicus latent virus (HJLV, NC006066). ApNMV isolate from Japan (P129, LC108995), ApNMV isolate from Korea (KO-276940, LC108995), ApNMV isolate from Shandong Province, China (ApNMV-Hai, ApNMV-Hua, and ApNMV-Qu, MG924900, MG924901, and MG924902), ApNMV isolate from Yunnan Province, China (ApNMV-YN), ApNMV isolate from Guizhou Province, China (ApNMV-GZ), and ApNMV isolate from Sichuan Province, China (ApNMV-SC) were shown.